I have worked like a mad dog for a month on a research project.
I expected to get paid for my labor today. Unfortunately, my
clients skipped town for the holidays. I will get my check, no
doubt, but I must wait until AFTER CHRISTMAS.
"Good grief! B-B-But I have been a good boy. I ate my broccoli and brushed my
teeth every day. Why am I being punished by St. Nicholas? It's not fair..."
I failed. I hate to fail.
Failure today looks like not being able to "celebrate"
Christmas in the appropriate manner. This is depressing to me now.
I missed the retailer-designated target of December 25th.
So, now I must suffer the social indignities that come with
blowing my lines in a kindergarten costume pageant.
Phuck this schitt!
My problem is that I have allowed alien class,
consumer fetishism to drive me to the brink of suicide.
Jingle Bells have made me forget who the hell I am.
I am a revolutionary intellectual!
And the emmen-effen enemy can stick that in its Christmas stocking!
Comrade William PLEASANT
During the 60s, the FBI encouraged the most comically extreme Black cultural nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the organization, the better. Using that criterion, Karenga's United Slaves stood at the top of the heap.
Despite popular historical notions that conflate all the Black activists of the '60s, the Black Panthers were not racist 'Afro' supremacists. They did not promote armed revolution. But those were the FBI-inspired central planks of Karenga's United Slaves. Karenga's United Slaves were simply dashiki-sporting wannabe fascists, who gleefully gunned down Black Panthers and other Black Leftists while adopting absurd, manufactured "African" names.
J. Edgar Hoover could not have wished for a better crew of brothas.