William Pleasant & Malik Sekou Osei (1958-2015): Post-post-modern revolutionary Marxist THEORY and PRACTICE
Monday, December 22, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
The grotesque core of paradise
"Sometimes people hold a Core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And it is so important to protect the core belief, that they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief." --FRANTZ FANON (1925-1961)
I was reviewing Fanon to understand the massified adoration of Barack Obama. I remembered since 2008 and 2009 I was constantly invited to be driven or flown to Washington D.C. to celebrate America's first Black and African-American president. When I declined I was reprimanded, chasten and questioned by family and friends for my so-called idealistic and irrational militancy. For a part of my family is from a place where Blacks have been executive office holders for decades. I am talking about the Caribbean, of course. History has brutally exposed these nergro paradises as complete political, social and economic failures.
So much for the Black Prophets of Third World bourgeois electoral politics leading their Black flocks to the Promise Land. The Caribbean, of course! Instead, these dusky ringmasters of the neo-colonial circus have treated the Black working class to a non-stop circus under the bigtop of sadistic police terror, grinding poverty and cultural decadence set to the beachfront calypso rhythm of middle aged Canadian women sexing it with impoverished caricatures of island male authenticity.
I remember that between November and January (2008-2009) the U.S. Black "community" became an enraptured Baptist congregation, a veritable tent revival meeting, as the brothas and the sistas convulsed/danced in celebration of the inauguration of "our" first Black royal family. Meanwhile, AFROCOM first set its re-colonizing boots on African soil.
Blacks continued to shake and shimmy as young people in the Middle East had to duck American-furnished drones. They even mumbled, croaked and hollered with joy as Blacks and American society in general began to smart from imposed economic austerity policies and the pickpocket expense of healthcare called "socialist" Obamacare. All the time, their eyes rolled in their sockets and their tongues clucked in parched mouths as local police went on a paramilitary fashion binge, and teargas became the preferred patriotic cologne on the streets of Law-and-Order. Think about it. That really happened.
Nonetheless, the youth of Ferguson were the first to hear the clatter of the locks on the genocidal ovens. They understood the trajectory of the inferno inside, the road sign to the contemporary paradise.
History is on our side but not time, and clarity has always been a weapon within history. As such, those of us who kick the scenery of the murderous AMERIKKKAN stage play and expose that the trees and bushes are cardboard daggers will never be celebrated.
Comrade Sekou OSEI
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
"Ebola??!! Baby, I hope I don't catch Moby Dick!"
By Sekou OSEI
and William PLEASANT
This is a time for some serious reflection on the American character and its social development and outlook.
and William PLEASANT
This is a time for some serious reflection on the American character and its social development and outlook.
Here is why. I've witnessed in several "revolutionary" Black political meetings:
Young people argue and fight about the greatness of Rick Ross versus the greatness of B. I. G.
People tell me that Barack Obama is a Black Nationalist Radical Muslim and that Jamaica is the name of the region called the Caribbean, and everyone from the Caribbean is actually called a Jamaican.
Meanwhile, I have been told that World Wars 1 and 2 were tricks played by a secret Jewish conspiracy "of" and "for" world domination.
A number of people argued that Africa is a "nation" and they, Africans, live among and had to protect their food from angry monkeys, thus the basis for the spread of Ebola.(???) Oh, just like Moby Dick is a form of STD, I guess?
A number of Black people couldn't tell me the years of the American Civil War. Did you know that Nelson Mandela was the biological brother of Martin Luther King? Yes, lawd!
Likewise, the American revolution was to create the greatest democracy that ever existed, and slavery was a minor contradiction in the evolution of this great republic, a brother has recently told me, with a straight face and professorship at a name brand university.
![]() |
Prof. Molefi Assante might insist: "But I is the authentic Afrikan niggest!" |
I have seen Black people with advanced degrees cry and throw a pissy-fit and actually vomit over who lost American Idol, while they haven't found a job in 8 months.
I have heard that the TV program "Scandal" is an inspiring role model for young Black girls. This only came from Black women in their 40's 50's 60's, of course.
A number of people have insisted that before Jessie Jackson became famous he started his career as a professional wrestler--from TV to politics.
Egypt is not in Africa, but a part of the Middle East, you know. And Turkey is the place where Oscar-Meyer cold cuts began.
In short, Americans, even members of the erstwhile educated stratum, are fucking stupid!
What we have in the US is the vulgar marriage of technological over-development and social under-development encapsulated in the cult of FASHION and vectored like malaria by the corporate-owned infotainment industry.
American youths are inculcated with the notion that actual life means nothing, thus words and concepts mean nothing. Everything is just "style" and style alone is the apex of social presence. In this wasteland of empty gestures and postures, the young wait like sheep for the slaughter.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Alas a goddess is discerned
For My Real Nubian Princess
Malik Sekou OSEI
To my ebony
"love" of sea food
all the food she sees she eats...
whose struggle
Chinese take-out
TV has
her inner strength
McDonald coupon
Her magic
of turning
2 for 1
8 for 1
your ability to
if you understand
of being
469 pounds.
For you don't
see my Nigger
my smelling 24/7
stale cigarettes and
weed, while showing my drawers in the street as Nigger Style
is only
Even tho you sex me for my food stamps
but I-I-I-I-I
I found
remember the
time we was
at Snooky house
and she
left to do
the laundry?
we gave her
7 dollars worth of quarters
to keep her ass
out de house
you got on top and the sun died.
My house drug counselor called it a solar eclipse
I call it
Friday, October 17, 2014
For My Nubian Queens
This is for My Nubian Queens, for the socially redundant and mentally retarded and general Obama supporters who insist that mental retardation is integral to the creative process. And this is also for those who think that "Scandal" is the proud apex of confident Black entrepreneurship, epitomized by the image of a colored belly warmer who can be more than a social role model because she screws the "president" while humping from the top. Moreover so, from watching "Blackish," My Nubian Queens understand the importance of colored multi-culturalism in Black-face, since all that negroes need to assimilate in americKKKa today is the ritual significance of a Bar Mitzvah in order to move beyond "race."
Coonery has triumphed for My Nubian Queens, as they tread the the ruins of a once great culture.
--Sekou OSEI
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Baby Doc Duvalier:The swine who escaped slaughter.
By Sekou OSEI
Jean-Claude Duvalier (THEN & Pre-demise)
For its "insane" to think that the slaves would forget their slavery and Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost when children are kidnapped to line the pockets of white American run orphanage in the Dominican Republic. The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost when the children of Haiti must suffer with cholera, where the means to stop it are just ignored as Nepalese soldiers pee in the river were to introduce the bacteria into the river as peace keepers, the ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost as the people give a terrifying whisper--Madame Martelly is pocketing the money...while the people collapse from hunger and can't send their children to school--As Sweet Micky is a sweet harlot who ceases to be entertaining. The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be ghost in the body of Charlemagne Peralte who heard the peoples screaming whisper of Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
Today has finally become a GOOD and GREAT day. The world is now a
cleaner place. The clown pig called Jean-Claude Duvalier or "Baby Doc"
has finally left the world and now we all must clean the stench that he left.
He has left a tradition of harlot proxy betrayal of the people and now the
world can flush this bloated Dung compost of useless fertilizer of a person.
Konsa, deye mon yo,mon and the resistance and the resiliency of the of
the Haitian people will never be stifle the ugly and intense beauty of it rose of liberation.
cleaner place. The clown pig called Jean-Claude Duvalier or "Baby Doc"
has finally left the world and now we all must clean the stench that he left.
He has left a tradition of harlot proxy betrayal of the people and now the
world can flush this bloated Dung compost of useless fertilizer of a person.
Konsa, deye mon yo,mon and the resistance and the resiliency of the of
the Haitian people will never be stifle the ugly and intense beauty of it rose of liberation.
For its "insane" to think that the slaves would forget their slavery and Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost when children are kidnapped to line the pockets of white American run orphanage in the Dominican Republic. The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost when the children of Haiti must suffer with cholera, where the means to stop it are just ignored as Nepalese soldiers pee in the river were to introduce the bacteria into the river as peace keepers, the ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a ghost as the people give a terrifying whisper--Madame Martelly is pocketing the money...while the people collapse from hunger and can't send their children to school--As Sweet Micky is a sweet harlot who ceases to be entertaining. The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be ghost in the body of Charlemagne Peralte who heard the peoples screaming whisper of Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
Charlemagne Peralte
Michael "Sweet Micky" Martelly
While in this century the struggles to stifle the intense
beauty of ugliness in the liberation of the people as the
slaves try to unlock the lock of history around their necks,
put there by Black figures of proxies As a Papa-father of
Doc the sterile curse Duvalier, while he bring himself to share
power of money with the lights of mulatto, he jumps into the
darkness with the new Black middles class who was barren
of concern of the vast vast vast vast majority called the peasants
so under the vacuum of Vodou cultural nationalism the Papa had
won the election in the birth of 1957, while the educated took to live
in the Congo the smiles of the Tonton Macoutes were too much
on a bright day of ugly rains. The North Americans of White had
found a useful ally to isolate those Spanish speaking radical
revolutionaries whose sins were picking up the guns and knew
how to aim and where. As nature whose have it because justice
is the social human effort of the beauty of focus and the focus
of beauty Papa Duvalier died a peaceful death.
beauty of ugliness in the liberation of the people as the
slaves try to unlock the lock of history around their necks,
put there by Black figures of proxies As a Papa-father of
Doc the sterile curse Duvalier, while he bring himself to share
power of money with the lights of mulatto, he jumps into the
darkness with the new Black middles class who was barren
of concern of the vast vast vast vast majority called the peasants
so under the vacuum of Vodou cultural nationalism the Papa had
won the election in the birth of 1957, while the educated took to live
in the Congo the smiles of the Tonton Macoutes were too much
on a bright day of ugly rains. The North Americans of White had
found a useful ally to isolate those Spanish speaking radical
revolutionaries whose sins were picking up the guns and knew
how to aim and where. As nature whose have it because justice
is the social human effort of the beauty of focus and the focus
of beauty Papa Duvalier died a peaceful death.
François Duvalier
While the ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessaline's hand was to materialize and
violently clutch heart of this comfortably pig, seeking not to remain a ghost.
But the new stench among humanity who live without the air freshener
of real democracy and liberation Duvalier the baby of Doc, while
Jean-Jacques Dessaline whose atheism couldn't wait for his turning
from the world of ghost as the Doc of Baby continued to have foreigners
work the people to death giving life to death making baseballs,
violently clutch heart of this comfortably pig, seeking not to remain a ghost.
But the new stench among humanity who live without the air freshener
of real democracy and liberation Duvalier the baby of Doc, while
Jean-Jacques Dessaline whose atheism couldn't wait for his turning
from the world of ghost as the Doc of Baby continued to have foreigners
work the people to death giving life to death making baseballs,
Michele Duvalier and Baby Doc
As Jean-Claude ran the world of Haiti to the ground to impress
a mulatto of self-involved conspicuous consumption whose disease
was called "Michele," who dance with imported French shoes and
fur coat in very high air-conditions gold-plated rooms on Rue St Martin
where she so grand that she fart perfume that could be smelled in
Jacmel as she helped in the vulgar dance of the world-life of Haiti's
parsimony into ceremoniousness empty burial, she couldn't hear the "click"
of the magazine to know life is now in session, thus the usual divorce
when the cash was to run away and low through appropriation of
foreign aid and heavy taxation of the vast majority who stare.Baby
and she shook the hands of General Henri Namphy and Prosper
Avril they wipe the gun powder off their bows to shake hands.
The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines will cease to be a ghost
as the children of the earth quake begin to stomp and get the focus
of beauty and the beauty of focus as memories cease to be memories
but the ugly beauty of the hostile rose of ghostly red.
a mulatto of self-involved conspicuous consumption whose disease
was called "Michele," who dance with imported French shoes and
fur coat in very high air-conditions gold-plated rooms on Rue St Martin
where she so grand that she fart perfume that could be smelled in
Jacmel as she helped in the vulgar dance of the world-life of Haiti's
parsimony into ceremoniousness empty burial, she couldn't hear the "click"
of the magazine to know life is now in session, thus the usual divorce
when the cash was to run away and low through appropriation of
foreign aid and heavy taxation of the vast majority who stare.Baby
and she shook the hands of General Henri Namphy and Prosper
Avril they wipe the gun powder off their bows to shake hands.
The ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines will cease to be a ghost
as the children of the earth quake begin to stomp and get the focus
of beauty and the beauty of focus as memories cease to be memories
but the ugly beauty of the hostile rose of ghostly red.
General Henri Namphy
Prosper Avril
As we and the world must cleanse the world of dead
swine and put the stench of the inhuman against our
humanity into the needed dungeons of justice.
No peaceful reconciliation with war crimes against
our humanity. Well the nature had flush the toilet in the
most needed way and now the world a little cleaner way
as the ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a
ghost as he plants the ugly beautiful rose of intense red of liberation....
swine and put the stench of the inhuman against our
humanity into the needed dungeons of justice.
No peaceful reconciliation with war crimes against
our humanity. Well the nature had flush the toilet in the
most needed way and now the world a little cleaner way
as the ghost of Jean-Jacques Dessalines cease to be a
ghost as he plants the ugly beautiful rose of intense red of liberation....
Pou istwa kanpe pou nou, men, pa fwa.
Today was a Good and GREAT for an old bloated harlot now has
achieved his internal rest in HELL.
achieved his internal rest in HELL.
Monday, September 1, 2014
And how was your Labor Day?
And this is Baltimore, 9/1/2014...
There is the mist and smoke and fog of holiday flesh roasting for happiness, seasoned with the rot of wet garbage melting beneath a sadomaniacal summer sun.
There are the the grey, opaque eyes of the toddlers bobbing in heads braided as tightly and barbed as wire in gross plastic balls of too many colors. These are children dragged to full march by grossly obese mothers who keep the painful cadence with a drum roll of profanities.
There are the other morbidly obese women who gather at the curbstone, bent at what were once waists but a couple of years earlier, bent in some sort of supplication while spewing neon-pink vomit to the pavement and the frolic of gorging flies.
There are the Black men lounging beneath trees, on the greasy doorsteps of tenement caves, lounging after a gnut in/on one of the obese women or some of their children, lounging after a long drink of something cheap and poisonous, lounging and decaying on living bones, as juvenile vultures circle on stolen bicycles, separating the dying from the dead and calculating the booty the night will bring with darkness.
And finally, there is me. I survey the asphalt prairie. I dodge the blowing tumbleweeds of rubbish. I step lightly, 'less I detonate the landmines--daggers of broken bottles/molehills of dog droppings--that wreath the coffin of a dead American city.
There is me in a mock quandary. My lips quiver: "Is this what the American working class dares call the star of its achievement? The singed meat and waxing sewage smells like a victory worthy of celebration?" Again, the quandary is a mock one. And I am not alone in my knowledge.
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