Thursday, November 24, 2011

OWS: A 4TH WORLD Thanksgiving Greeting 2011


A Communiqué from the ANG Public Information Bureau:

To the Peoples of the Fourth World

To the Mass Media

The Fourth World -- 11.22.2011 -- The international blog-journalists
association, the Aboriginal News Group (ANG), a stateless, independent
media guild organised by persons representing a broad variety of
independent viewpoints and comprised principally of concerned
individuals from Autochthonous/First Nations communities, wishes to make
public its support for the international #Occupy movement and to declare
our solidarity with all those who are taking an active part in
pro-democratic street demonstrations and in the international digital
efforts that support the public communications challenges of this
important struggle.

We also wish at this time to state our support for our Brothers and
Sisters struggling bravely against violent state and neo-colonialist
repression in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Palestine and especially within the
continental United States, the presumed ideological and spiritual home
of political freedom, objective justice and genuine democracy.

Having said that,

We, the ANG, go further by appealing to all Indigenous peoples around
the world and the grassroots organisations that represent them to
peacefully and non-violently sustain this international movement by
standing up to their respective Tribal governments in order to
#Decolonize the state and corporate occupied ancestral territories that
rightfully belong to the nations and peoples of the Fourth World.

We demand that the international community not just talk about
Aboriginal/First Nations rights but that they actually substantiate
their coquettish rhetoric by standing aside and allowing the people of
the Indigenous world to actualise their own political, economic and
cultural development without undue interference, coercion or other forms
of subversive repression routinely utilised against Indigenous Peoples
and movements.

We believe that the time for an intellectual, cultural and spiritual
insurrection in the minds and hearts of the Peoples of the Fourth World
is NOW.

As original human beings of Mother Earth and as rational citizens of the
world, we are appalled by the belligerent and Machiavellian disregard
displayed by ‘elected’ governments and establishment politicians, the
international moneyed-classes and the obtuse attitudes of
conservative-citizens who sanction government mistreatment against the
cordial, democratic exercise of  public dissent.

The malevolent conduct of the ownership-classes of the world have proved
them to be a group of people beyond reason, compassion or common-sense.
Through their own negative actions, the authoritarian conservative
social dynamics stubbornly opposed to the belated rise of international
People’s Power has demonstrated itself to be a threat to the hard-won
democratic freedoms of all logical-thinking people.

The extant power structure has shown that they are willing to go to
virtually any extreme, no matter how revolting, in order to preserve the
unfair global arrangement that places Anglo-phone, vulture-capitalist
hegemony above the rights of defenceless peoples, the working masses and
the planet’s already weakened ecosystem.

For the past several months, the global public has been witness to
numerous intensely vicious and grossly irresponsible examples of
state-sponsored brutality. From Tahir Square in Egypt to the campus of
The University of California, Davis in the United States, the use of
systemic violence by military and civilian law enforcement against
cool-headed, law-abiding, non-violent civilian protesters and other
non-combatants has lamentably become the norm.

The indecent, unnecessary and illegal use of indiscriminate
pepper-spray attacks, evening protest-ground raids and
nightstick-assaults being employed by many law enforcement departments
and their officers is without a doubt a frightful and revealing symptom
of a sociopolitical system that is out of control, out of touch and
utterly resistant to the public demand for authentic, representative

This is the situation all across the world. And as Original Peoples and
caretakers of Mother Earth we are calling for an immediate end to the

We stand together with the people of the #OWS Movement in the struggle
against neoliberal exploitation of the Fourth World, the poor and the

We Demand:

An immediate end to institutional anti-Indigenous genocide!

An immediate end  to racial, cultural, spiritual, judicial, educational,
territorial and economic discrimination against Original Peoples!

That Indigenous governments and NGO’s charged to represent Indigenous
Peoples represent them, not the colonial, neoliberal and landed gentry

That there be an immediate end to opportunistic anti-Indigenous violence
from racist civilians, unsympathetic law enforcement and predatory
paramilitary forces who engage in violence against Indigenous peoples.

That there be an immediate end to the abhorrent escalation of sexual
brutality perpetrated against our women around the world and that this
issue be addressed by an international, Indigenous-led council of review
and recommendation.

That the repression against the global Indigenous Community END NOW!

Social Justice!
Indigenous Autonomy!

Please Circulate--LIBERATOR

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