Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The First Manifesto of the Third Intifada

It appears that the Palestinian population has grown weary of the politically impotent US/zionist-installed Palestine Authority (PA). Teenagers are leading furious street battles 

with the zionist army, police and civilian  lynch mobs. 

The current General Commandment of the Third Intifada is not clear yet, nor it would appear “on the surface” that its members will be immediately arrested by both the PA security police and the zionists, these two parties together don't want any intifada, but the “rule of law under occupation.”

The current leadership includes ALL the political parties, including Fateh, Hamas, the Leftist parties and even national rebellious personages who have been struggling for freedom for ages, no one fought to get the zionist peaces process of Oslo accord, nor to set the “rule of law” under the Zionist occupation.

We present below the currently standing political memorandum for the on the ongoing Palestinian Resistance in the West Bank of zionist-Occupied Palestine--Sami the Bedouin

Fifteen year old Marah al-Bakri, just out of school when a Jewish squatter falsely accused her of trying to stab him. She was shot by 10 zionist agents 
who then left her to bleed for hours. Daily humiliation and summary executions, 
especially of Palestinian children, have brought thousands to the streets in 
protests and open combat against the settler regime.


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