Brazilian Government Sends Troops to Bahia State
Malik Sekou OSEI
"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to Socialism or regression into Barbarism." --Rosa Luxemburg "Junius Pamphlet" (1916)
April 25th, 2014
Thee Uniform Barbarians Go On Strike, The Dance of the Sterile, that Beauty…
The deep Streets
colorful buildings
of yellow,
Sky Blue
and the
pearly gates
material salvation
in death…..
eyes its
evening and
Turtle Bay
is not
yours to swim
As the world of Favelas
swallows the
tangerine of the
uniform cowards
in para-military colors
of Brazilian
Theee Dance of Sterile
their jobs.
The flowers
scream their
love of
Que Beleza.
The old music
human concern
are as
old as
the mold
of the old scratchy
of forgotten
called melody.
The righteous barbarians
can’t scream
the need
to get
to continue
vulgar dance.
Flowers scream
sarcastic love
Que Beleza…
of impositions
of the
official injustice.
The Barbarians still dance of injustice.
As they dance
on the
East of
land of crisis.
whirling women
of scantily
clad of
are only shadows
of empty
of grinding
alone to
entertain the tourist…
Theee Dance
of Sterile
is only doing their job.
flowers scream
their sarcastic
of Que Beleza…
The Police State
Que Beleza
As the world comes to witness the incestuous vulgar display of further consolidation of fascism to gather more profit for the coming World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympics. The ultimate dance of the sterile, of the fascist objectification of the people for the American dollar, as the world looks and whispers Que Beleza.
Now, Brazil must whisper in their loud happy music of denial of its own police state as the disappear are never forgotten.
Well, this month the saga continues the Brazil’s the Workers Party (PT) government was to show the world its true political character as a proxy harlot of domestic and foreign capital that has positioned thousands of combat ready and equipped troops to Bahia in reaction to ransacking and looting that exploded in the middle of a strike by Military Police in the northeastern state.
What the fact is that no one says the obvious that Brazil is having its perverse and intense class struggle with impose foreign fascism through Brazilian proxies’. Brazil is the sterile dance of denial and its micro-nationalism that is just as bad of the same island micro-nationalism of Dominicans treatment of Haitians of let’s pretend evaporation of race and thus since race doesn’t exist, thus there isn’t a need to struggle against racism by the proxies of imperialism.
What has to be said is that nearly all of Bahia’s 27,000 military police officers walked out on last April 15th, last Tuesday, demanding salary upturns and other benefits, as well as amnesty for police involved in a 2012 strike. The local state government has said that it cannot afford to meet these demands, and a court ruled the walkout illegal and ordered the police back to work. Schools and universities in the state were shut down after the police struck and bus service ground to a virtual halt, after the unions pulled out its divers around major security concerns around the safety of its drivers. At a majority meeting by the police last Thursday, the police voted to remain on strike in noncompliance of the order. Later in that day, a settlement was publicized and broadcasted; however, there was a visible agreement to return to work.
At that time in Bahia’s largest city called Salvador with a population over three million people, there were 21 people stated that they were killed on Wednesday. This according to the state’s Secretary of Public Safety, the average daily murder rate for last year stood at six. The Defense Ministry goes to say “The military operation was authorized by President Dilma Rousseff based on the request from [Bahia] Governor Jaques Wagner,” a statement last Wednesday April 16th.
Rousseff herself confirmed her role on Twitter last Thursday, saying, “I authorized the sending of federal troops to give support to public security and guarantee peace in Bahia. It is unacceptable for the security of the population of Bahia to remain at risk.”
The troops, some 6,000 of them were helmeted and in combat gear, carrying attack rifles, had spread out across the state, beginning to patrol streets Wednesday in Bahia and in the city of Ilheus to the south of the state. Para-military officers said that they would soon be positioned in Feira de Santana and Paulo Afonso, in northeastern Bahia and in Barreiras in the western part of the state.
The end to the walkout will not result in an immediate withdrawal of the troops from Bahia. The state’s governor, Wagner, announced that they would remain in place until the middle of next week.
This is the hardly the only instance of the Rousseff government’s use of military force to subdue social hostilities.
The PT government recently sent federal troops to partake in a full-scale military assault on the MarĂ© complex in Rio de Janeiro, where 130,000 people live in 15 different favelas (Brazil’s self-constructed slum communities). The sprawling shantytown occupies strategic real estate between Rio’s international airport and the better-off Southern Zone, the center of tourism and the focal point of activity in the upcoming 2014 World Cup games, organized to begin in less than two months.
Some two thousand soldiers and marines together with sixteen armored vehicles, helicopter gunships and units of the elite Special Operations Battalion (BOPE) were used in the occupation, which claimed 16 lives and left eight wounded. At least 160 people were arrested.
Before initiating the storming and invasion, the security forces obtained a controversial “collective” warrant, allowing the soldiers to carry out vast searches throughout two of the favelas, invading house after in house search of suspects, arms and drugs.
A group of Mare residents issued a statement denouncing the invasion: “It is evident that those who use the machinery of war against their own population, such as the tanks that currently occupy our streets, are not seeking dialogue, and even less so participation, and thus are by no means concerned about guaranteeing our most basic rights. Tanks and helicopters pointing their guns at us stand for much more than just violation of rights; they stand for a violation of any idea of a democratic state of rights. The military occupation is just beginning, and yet it has already failed in what it proclaims to be. It is apparent to us that it is just one more brute attack against territories of the urban poor.”
At least 1,500 militarized police are set to remain as part of a permanent occupation under a program known as UPP (Units of Pacification Police), which has been executed in a number of favelas over the last six years, with Rio’s poorest residents subjected to military-style occupation and repression.
It is widely recognized that the program draws heavily on counter-insurgency tactics developed by the US military, with the same scenario of “clear, hold and build.” A secret December 2009 cable from the US consulate in Rio released to the public by WikiLeaks made this more than clear and obvious. It concluded that the favela pacification program “shares some characteristics with US counter-insurgency doctrine and strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
The UPP program has been concentrated largely in the south of the city, where the government is anxious to impose tight control over the poor to ensure security of both Rio’s wealthiest districts and the venues where most of the World Cup and 2016 events are scheduled.
In a related operation, heavily armed military police conducted a brutal eviction last week of some 5,000 poor and homeless people who had taken over the Telerj (defunct state telephone company) building in northern Rio, a property that had remained vacant for 20 years. Starting at 4 in the morning, the police used rubber bullets, tear gas and live ammunition to drive out families, leaving dozens wounded, including infants and children.
Left with no place to go—rents have doubled in cost of the last two years in Rio—and having lost all their belongings, hundreds of the evicted families marched on city hall and camped out in front of the building, where they were again attacked by military police.
At the beginning of this month, President Rousseff formally marked the 50th anniversary of the US-backed coup that ushered in 21 years of military dictatorship. Rousseff, who was jailed and tortured under the military regime, treated the experience as a thing of the past that Brazil had “overcome.”
In reality, as these recent events have shown, Brazil remains a highly militarized society in which armed force is routine used to quell tensions generated by a level of social inequality that remains among the worst in the world, despite the PT government’s minimal assistance programs.
After a decade in power, the PT, which was hailed by a number reformist parties around the world as the new model for socialist politics, has undeniably confirmed itself a bourgeois party, Loyal to the defense of the interests of the Brazilian financial and manufacturing interests and the wealth of the top %1 percent against the masses of the people.
To this end, it resorts with increasing frequency to a military apparatus that enjoys complete impunity. Thanks to the maintenance by PT governments of a blanket amnesty imposed at the end of the dictatorship, not a single one of those responsible for political murders, “disappearances,” wholesale torture and illegal imprisonments have been called to account for their crimes.
For this is the sterile dance of harlot who can listen to the melody of the “now” who never understand a future based on lies of happiness, for the harlots cannot dance to express their history. For they cannot be reminded that their just empty harlots the best of their humanity has been by used the imperialist foreign pimps as vulgar door mats with the stench of the dead and the disappeared.
As the barbarians are demanding a higher wage to murder the people the Brazilian government has become a loud and colorful pimp without money.
While the colorful pimp government of the PT is not looking forward a dance with the displace families of eviction without the police barbarian.
For the people of Brazil history is on their side, but not time…
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